Review-Glow15 by Naomi Whittel

A science-based plan to lose weight, revitalize your skin and invigorate your life. See results in just 15 days.

Product description:

A New York Times Bestseller

Have you put on weight in recent years that you can't lose? Do you crave more energy and stamina in your day? Is your skin drier than it used to be? Has your hair started to feel dry and look limp?


If you said yes to one or more of these questions, then Glow15 is your answer.

BioDiet by Dr. David G. Harper, Ph.D

The scientifically proven, ketogenic method for losing weight and improving health

Product description:

Think you're eating healthy? Think again.


For the past fifty years, we have been slowly eating ourselves to death-and doing so based on government recommendations about what constitutes a healthy diet.

Nutrition in Crisis by Richard David Feinman, PhD

Flawed Studies, misleading advice and the real science of human metabolism.

Product description: 

Almost every day it seems a new study is published that shows you are at risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or death due to something you've just eaten for lunch. Many of us no longer know what to eat or who to believe.


The Hypotoxic Ketogenic Diet by Olivia Charlet

Eat more good fats and less sugar to lose weight, increase energy, and safeguard your health


Product description:

Low in carbohydrates and rich in good fats, the ketogenic diet offers the perfect solution to healthy eating for optimum well-being.

Dr. Berg Ketogenic Diet, Basic Plan and What to Eat

Dr. Berg talks about the basics of healthy Ketogenic diet and Intermittent Fasting. What is Keto or Ketosis? Keto means fat burning. When you burn fat, the fat breaks down into what's called Ketones where the body can use it as an alternative.

1. Healthy Keto Basics

2. What to eat

2 Experimental Diets-The DASH Study

Two experimental diets were selected for the DASH study and compared with each other, and with a third: the control diet. The control diet was low in potassium, calcium, magnesium, and fiber and featured a fat and protein profile so that the pattern was consistent with a "typical American diet at the time".