Noom Weight Loss Program

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Noom Diabetes Prevention Program

Change your life before diabetes does it for you.

With Noom, you'll be armed with personal coaches with sophisticated technology to help you change not just how you eat, but how you think.

Specific coaching for specific needs

Every time you use the Noom app, the data you submit is automatically fed to your own personal coach's dashboard so they always know how you're doing. Your coach knows you need to reduce your total carbs and sugar intake, but they also know you're human. So they'll be there with support, advice, and encouragement at the very moment you need it most.

A program for long terms success

Noom helps you gradually master the habits you'll need to not just lower your blood sugar and achieve a healthier weight but to sustain it as well. Your program is broken into four stages:

The first step in creating healthy habits is understanding where you are now. While tracking your current routine, we'll also start establishing the basic of good nutrition, exercise, and stress and sleep management, helping target the changes you need to make.
2. Practicing
Once you understand your current habits, it's time to start changing them. To do this, Noom provides you with established goals, clear ways to reach those goals, and motivation and support to help with any issues along the way.
3. Advanced Learning
Now that you've started putting your learning into practice, we're going to teach you some new ways to make your routine even stronger. Whether it's new physical activities, or new ways of dealing with social situations, your new healthier habits will grow even more routine.
4. Mastery
After weeks of learning and practicing for all the hurdles you may face, the final step is prepping you to reinforce your new habits for the long haul. By the end you will be ready to face every situation with the knowledge and confidence that you'll make the right  choices.

Diabetes Prevention Program
- Organized skill  building and practice with emphasis on diabetes
- Certified lifestyle coach trained to deliver the Diabetes Prevention Program
- Support group of peers on a journey that's similar to yours
- Easy-to-use food logging feature with over 3.7 million food options
- Personalized calorie budget with feedback on your food choices
- Regular challenges to put what you're learning into practice
- Access to thousands of healthy recipes that you can log with one swipe

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